What is Watt

A kinetic project that talks about energy and balance

Site-Specific Installation at Governors' Island Art Fair 2019

Aluminum Sheets, Wood, Arduino, Sensors, Fans.

Li, Sizhu_2_What is Watt.mp4

What is Watt is a scenic kinetic work that has aluminum waves treaded as characters which experience Ying and Yang circling, Sisyphean Movement, and relatively theory.

In the back wall set, when the roll is blown to the top of the bridge, it actives the stick to beat the aluminum sheet, and then gravity took it done Oppositely, in the front set, they constantly work in the cycle.

Duo exhibition The Infinite Gyre curated by Tansy Xiao with artist Michael A. Robinson

Exhibition view of Spring Break 2020 New York

Exhibition view of thesis exhibition at MICA


Video_What is WATT.mp4